You just received your concealed carry license, now what?

You just received your concealed carry license, now what?
Ahh, the days of being a new concealed carrier. It can be quite intimidating, and sometimes quite expensive. When I was a new concealed carrier I bought a ton of different guns for concealed carry and more than a few holsters. Learn from my mistakes, and follow my advice for new concealed carriers.
Make a Training Schedule and Keep to it
This sounds way harder than it is. Keeping a training schedule is pretty simple. Most of us can’t go to the range every day, that is understandable. The range isn’t the only way to train. Dry fire training is an effective way to practice trigger control and to learn proper manipulation of your weapon.
Outside of dry firing, you can practice drawing your weapon from concealment. You can practice dry reloads and with dummy rounds, you can practice malfunction drills. A training schedule can be as simple as 15 fifteen minutes every night of any of the skills listed above. Getting to the range is still important, and you should get there at least once every two weeks. There are plenty of effective drills you should be working on at the range.
Invest in a Quality rig
Quality gear makes all the difference when it comes to comfortably carrying your gun. You should never skimp on your holster, your ammunition, or your belt. A rig is the gear you use to carry your concealed carry weapon.
A belt mounted holster is going to require a belt capable of supporting the weapon and holster. (The Ultimate Concealed Carry Gun Belt is a great choice if you ask me!) A good holster will allow you to easily access and draw your weapon. At the same time, it will retain your weapon and keep it exactly where it should be.
Some people would rather use a belly band style holster or a pocket holster. No matter what style of holster you think you may prefer, the best thing you can do when you first get your license is to try out a few different holsters to find out what works best for you.
Carry every day and all day
I always suggest that a new concealed carrier carry from the time they wake up until they go to bed. Not because they always need to be on edge for an attack, but to get used to carrying a gun. Making it an everyday activity has many benefits.
First, it will help with the initial anxiety of carrying a gun. A fear most concealed carriers have is being made or having their gun slip out of concealment. The fear is often unfounded, and the more you get used to it the better you’ll feel.
Carrying will also help you to become physically comfortable carrying a weapon. You need to figure out where it is comfortable for you to carry and carrying a lot will teach you this. It will also help you break your gear in and make it more comfortable. Holsters, like boots, often need a good break in period before they are comfortable.
Pay attention to the Law.
Laws are always changing. Especially firearms laws. As a concealed carrier you are obliged to follow the law. Pay attention to the laws and how they change and could potentially affect you. This is probably the most important tip I can give you. Know the laws in your state, and keep yourself up to date.
These few tips come from my experience as a concealed carrier. Stick to these few pieces of advice and you’ll be a pro before you know it.
I was trained to carry and all I keep seeing is that they want to carry. The main reason I or anyone should carry is to protect our families and good friends and always use common sense. It’s not to show off or telling everyone it should always be concealed.
Don’t be afraid to carry and don’t be afraid of your weapon, I Live in a state where there is no course just go get your ccp the same day.but practice and safety is the best advice
I think you have to make your mistakes and learn from them. It seems like people start off buying a lot of small caliber weapons thinking they will be easier to conceal, however, they rarely or never carry those guns once their confidence improves and they go to something larger.
Yes I am glade that l read this it makes sense thanks . Plus everyone needs to check what state that they can go though for conceal caring also when traveling.
I passed everything and haven’t received nothing and it’s been more then three months